
C310A Rebar Corrosion Detector

 C310A Rebar Corrosion Detector C310A-Rebar-Corrosion-Detector-1	C310A-Rebar-Corrosion-Detector-1
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C310A Rebar Corrosion Detector

The C310A provides the ability to examine the corrosion potential and to localise active corrosion in rebar in building structures. The procedure is virtually non-destructive and is performed by carrying out a grid based measurement.

The C310A Rebar Corrosion Detector is a specialized apparatus designed according to the electrochemical testing method (natural potential method). C310A tests the potential of concrete surfaces through a Cu/CuSO4 reference electrode, and determines the level of rebar corrosion.The C310A includes a two electrode handle system which provides flexibility for the operator to: Test using one electrode based on half cell potential method.

Test using two electrodes based on gradient method. In both cases, electrodes used are copper sulfate type. Based on lithium ion rechargeable batteries.

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C310A Rebar Corrosion Detector
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