
Touch Pro High Performance Water Leak Noise Correlator

Touch Pro High Performance Water Leak Noise Correlator Touch Pro High Performance Water Leak Noise Correlator Touch Pro High Performance Water Leak Noise Correlator Touch Pro High Performance Water Leak Noise Correlator Touch Pro High Performance Water Leak Noise Correlator
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Touch Pro High Performance Water Leak Noise Correlator

Touch Pro High Performance Water Leak Noise Correlator is an advanced Leak Noise Correlation for leak detection in more difficult leak conditions of buried water pipes including metal, plastic or large diameter pipes.

The Touch Pro LNC system for locating leaks in buried water pipes is possibly the most powerful system for its purpose.

The Touch Pro Portable high speed leak location system employs:

  1. Touch screen controller “base unit” with integrated noise filtering, analysis and management software with built in wireless connectivity.
  2. 2 X highly sensitive acoustic sensors (Accelerometers).
  3. 2 X Outstation units.

The Touch Pro performs leak noise correlation provides distance to the leak location between two sensors based on measuring the time difference between leak noise signals arriving at each of the sensors. 2 x sensors are physically attached & deployed on pipe fittings, on either side of the suspected leak position.

The 2 x accelerometer sensors are positioned on either side of the potential leak location on the pipe are typically utilized with the 2 X Outstation units. Each outstation unit has a built in radio transmission for remote transferring leak noise data to the base correlating control unit.

The Touch Pro incorporates an (AFIS) “Automated Filtering Interference System” feature which effectively applies multiple filter settings to determine the best possible correlation result. During the correlation the closest and most accurate result presented is after running up to 55 different filters combinations to present to the user/operator, the most accurate result.

Optionally the Touch Pro can also be utilized with Hydrophone 2 leak noise sensors which are utilized in difficult operating conditions where they are mounted for direct contact with water column at hydrant, air valve or flow meter points (pressurised water) - Hydrophones are also more ideally suited for large diameter trunk leaks and all types of plastic pipe systems, and detects the noise signals travelling within the water column itself.

The DXmic Pro Digital Ground Microphone acoustic water leak detector system should be thereafter used to move to location identified by the Touch Pro & validate exact location prior digging for repairs.

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Touch Pro High Performance Water Leak Noise Correlator
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