
Pundit PI8000 Pile Integrity + Impact Echo Tester

 Pundit PI8000 Pile Integrity + Impact Echo Tester  Pundit PI8000 Pile Integrity + Impact Echo Tester Pundit PI8000 Pile Integrity + Impact Echo Tester  Pundit PI8000 Pile Integrity + Impact Echo Tester  Pundit PI8000 Pile Integrity + Impact Echo Tester
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Pundit PI8000 Pile Integrity + Impact Echo Tester

The Pundit PI8000 Pile Integrity + Impact Echo Tester is the most productive multi-application impact testing unit with full traceability and flexible features. The Pundit PI8000 is a combined Sonic Echo pile integrity and impact echo test system supports both pile integrity testing and impact echo testing in a single probe for increased versatility and efficiency. This advanced instrument offers a comprehensive approach to assessing the structural health and integrity of piles.

Pundit PI8000 standard kit includes a Sensor, Hammer for pile integrity test & Impactors for impact echo test (3 types, i.e. 7.5mm, 10mm & 15mm).

The Pundit PI8000 is designed for pile defect detection, slab thickness measurements, and low strain testing of concrete piles with a single sensor and a single app. Rapidly check the quality of installed piles using low strain technology.

Additionally, the Pile Integrity application can be used to verify the length of concrete piles and identify any major defects for early investigation to avoid costly repairs later on. Using the impact echo technology verify the thickness of a concrete wall or slab and detect internal defects such as voids or delamination’s.  

Pundit Impact App makes it easy for engineers and technicians to perform tests and interpret the results. Real-time data visualization and analysis tools facilitate quick decision-making during field assessments.

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Pundit PI8000 Pile Integrity + Impact Echo Tester
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