Application of HMP LFG Pro Light Weight Deflectometer by Concrete Planners for Nahar Group
Posted by: Stanlay India
Application requirement:

To check the preparation of base and sub-base before placement of concrete or installation of structure in accordance with ASTM E2835-11 standard.

Concrete Planners® requires checking the compaction quality of soils used in preparation of base & sub-base before installation of structure to provide a stable platform in accordance with ASTM E2835-11 standard.

Nahar Group ( Nahar Industrial Enterprises Ltd.)
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Concrete Planners® uses the dynamic plate load testing equipment – HMP LFGPRO by Stanlay as per ASTM 2835-11 standard.

HMP LFG Pro Light Weight Deflectometer

Concrete Planners uses the dynamic plate load testing equipment  HMP LFGPRO by Stanlay as per ASTM 2835-11 standard.

The HMP LFG PRO portable light drop weight tester also referred to as Light Weight Deflectometer or LWD is a dynamic plate load test that is used to determine the soil bearing capacity and compaction quality of soils and non-cohesive sub-bases, as well as for soil improvement applications. It is a modern technology used at the project of one of the leader of the textile industry. Concrete Planners carry out testing over base and sub-base of concrete floors and other structures to design the stable platform before the installation.

Testing in presence of quality team deputed by end-user
Testing in presence of quality team deputed by end-user


It measures the deflection of the load plate which may be either correlated directy to pavement performance or used to determine in-situ material characterstics of the base or sub-base for pavement foundations. Concrete Planners uses this testing equipment for quality assurance purposes. Following are few applications areas:

  • Industrial concrete structures
  • Concrete road construction
  • Foundation back fill of building
  • Foundation back fill of PEB structures
HMP LFG Pro Light Weight Deflectometer application for checking base before road construction
(Engineers carrying out test for road work)

The graphical report showing the deflection and digital instant results are great help to make any corrections (if needed) in base preparation immediately after testing.

 The graphical report showing the deflection
The graphical report showing the deflection after Plate Load Test